M I S S I O N - [ A B O U T ]


We're the first ever project-based blockchain hub at York University, rooted in a growth-oriented community dedicated to advancing knowledge and honing practical skills in emerging technologies such as blockchain, web3.0, and the metaverse. Operating under a start-up model, we emphasize hands-on experience as the most effective learning approach.

P r o j e c t - [ T i m e l i n e ]

June 2023

LBA Insights Blog

With a focus on leading innovation in technology, the LBA Insights Blog is initiated to provide comprehensive analyses and insights into current technology markets, trends, and future projections.

September 2023

LBA Website Revamp

A new team of 15 devleopers is overhauling the official LBA website. The updated site, optimized for performance and user experience, features modern technologies like Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.

October - December 2023

LBA - Blog 2.0

Stay tuned for the next iteration of our blog, which promises to deliver even deeper insights into the ever-evolving technological landscape.

January - May 2024

Upcoming: Open Source & DAO

Plans are in motion to transition to an Open Source framework and implement a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) model for enhanced community involvement and governance.